Ways to Donate
There are many ways you can donate to Journey Home.
Your donations, both financial and in-kind, provide the support
we need to provide death with dignity.
Your generous donations enable Journey Home to achieve its mission to provide death with dignity.
Tax Receipts: Journey Home issues tax receipts for all financial donations over $20. Government tax credits provide a 15% tax incentive for the first $200 of all charitable donations and 29% for additional amounts. Meaning, a $1000 donation can result in a tax credit of over $350 dollars or a $10,000 donation a credit of almost $4000. Please consult your accountant to confirm how your donation can positively impact your tax liability as well as Journey Home’s mission.
For donations over $200 consider issuing a cheque to avoid payment processing fees. Contact us to make payment arrangements at your convenience. We encourage the opportunity to thank our donators in person whenever possible.
In Memory & In Lieu of Flowers

We are grateful for donations to Journey Home in memory of family and friends or in lieu of flowers. We would be honoured to contact the family to let them know of your gesture and provide you with a tax receipt for donations of $20 or more.
Donate in Memory or Donate in Lieu of Flowers
Please consider naming Journey Home as your charity of choice in memory of your loved one. Contact us to arrange a special page.

Second Journey Thrift funds Journey Home operations.
We need your donations of clothing, housewares, furniture and other re-usable goods to achieve our mission.
Estate Donations: We know firsthand how difficult it can be to deal with your loved one’s possessions. So many things and even more memories. Donating to Second Journey Thrift allows these memories to support the community and start a second journey with new owners.
Corporate Sponsorship

Corporate donations, workplace fundraisers and charitable matching programs are all ways your organization can support Journey Home. Contus Us
Support your employees by giving them peace of mind by offering a corporately sponsored Peace of Mind Planning workshop. Learn More

Journey Home is a volunteer driven organization, and your time is invaluable. We need volunteers of all ages with a variety of skills. Whether you’re looking for volunteer hours for your high school diploma, a chance to meet like-minded individuals or to give back in your retirement years, we want to create a diverse community of volunteers.
Compassionate, technical, creative, thrifty…we need it all!
Learn more or Get started now