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Doula Services 

Our doula services are free and offered in 

homes, hospices, hospitals, and long-term care facilities.


Doulas help our clients create peaceful and meaningful memories as they relinquish control and surrender to their journey home.

Not unlike a birth doula, Journey Home’s doulas connect with clients
and their loved ones to provide comfort, support and
practical advice in a time of chaos and confusion.

Compassionate Listening and Life Reflections
Our doulas are trained to ease death anxiety and find peace and love at end of life. The months and weeks before end of life offer an opportunity to reflect and share our stories. Our doulas listen, write letters to loved ones, create small legacy projects, and be there when loved ones can't.



Peace of Mind Planning
Our doulas use Journey Home’s Peace of Mind Planner to create a roadmap for family and friends. The planner and our doula guides you in the capture of key contacts, friends and family as well the documentation of important information, including honey-do lists, social media and digital accounts. This workbook also dives into advanced health care directives, funeral plans, legacy wishes and final reflections.

The planner provides both peace of mind and practicality for our loved ones, allowing our loved ones to grieve without feeling overwhelmed or worried that something will be forgotten. Read more about our Peace of Mind Planner



Creating a Peaceful Spaces and Ceremonies
The end of life experience does not have to be a fluorescent lit hospital room limited by visiting hours. Our doulas help create a warm, calming space with the music, scents and the company of your choosing. We assemble loved ones, pets and favourite objects that create peaceful memories.

Our doulas help plan of living funerals, end of life ceremonies and celebrations of life. These events can be traditional, completely unique or somewhere in between. Our doula’s role is to respect the path you want to take in your journey home. From the clothes you want to be dressed in, to the people you want at your side.


MAiD Support
Medical assistance in dying (MAiD) is sensitive and emotional. Our doulas review the rules and process and facilitate end of life options when choosing MAiD and assist completing and filing forms. We help in the planning of your end of life ceremony and advocate your wishes with the medical community and your loved ones. Learn more about MAiD


Death Doula Scene
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